Bookmarks tagged with "documentation"

  • Beej's Guide to Git

    Please keep in mind that I'm only human and there is a very, very high probability that there are errors in this guide. Additionally, I might simply not know what I'm talking about when it comes to something! So ( HTML: PDF: Clone the whole thing from Contact Beej:

  • Writing commit messages

    [Simon Tatham, 2024-05-19] This is my personal guide to writing good commit messages, in Git or other version control systems. Of course, there are lots of guides to commit messages already. Why am I bothering to write Mostly because, when I’ve looked at other guides, they don’t seem to be focusing on the most important things. The one that first started me making notes towards this article consisted of a 7-point list of guidelines, To my way of thinking, that’s focusing on the trivial and neg...

  • How Stack Overflow replaced Experts Exchange

    When I first learned how to code, Stack Overflow wasn’t of much use to me. Long-form tutorials like This isn’t some problem with Stack Overflow - it was by design. True to the quote, the more professionally I started coding, the more I leaned on Stack Overflow. It was the perfect resource for when I needed to perform niche date math in JavaScript or remember how to zip a file in memory. And who can forget the 2010 all-time best Stack Overflow answer: Q: But now, my use of Stack Overflow is fa...

  • Two open source projects with great documentation •

    23 March 2024 · esbuild Through their READMEs, changelogs, architecture documents, and code comments, both projects explain their design in such a way that someone new to the codebase can understand where things are, how things are done, and why they are done that way. If you’re a developer looking to get better at documenting your code and software architecture, these are great case studies. If you’re writing software, good documentation is a necessity, especially if other people will see or c...