Bookmarks tagged with "documentation"

  • How Stack Overflow replaced Experts Exchange

    When I first learned how to code, Stack Overflow wasn’t of much use to me. Long-form tutorials like This isn’t some problem with Stack Overflow - it was by design. True to the quote, the more professionally I started coding, the more I leaned on Stack Overflow. It was the perfect resource for when I needed to perform niche date math in JavaScript or remember how to zip a file in memory. And who can forget the 2010 all-time best Stack Overflow answer: Q: But now, my use of Stack Overflow is fa...

  • Two open source projects with great documentation •

    23 March 2024 · esbuild Through their READMEs, changelogs, architecture documents, and code comments, both projects explain their design in such a way that someone new to the codebase can understand where things are, how things are done, and why they are done that way. If you’re a developer looking to get better at documenting your code and software architecture, these are great case studies. If you’re writing software, good documentation is a necessity, especially if other people will see or c...