
  • Growth Mindset Introduction: What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters


  • Reclaim the Stack Documentation

    We spent 7 months building a Kubernetes based platform to replace Heroku for our SaaS product at We have now open sourced the entire stack, so you can do the same, but in a few days instead of 7 months. Read the Documentation...

  • Stripe's monorepo developer environment

    I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed to many generations of Stripe’s developer environment – the tools that engineers used daily to write and test code. I think Stripe did a pretty good job designing and building that developer experience, and since leaving, I’ve found myself repeatedly describing features of that environment to friends and colleagues. This post is an attempt to record the salient features of that environment as I re...

  • GitHub Repositories Every Software Engineer Should Know

    Finally, after a long time, I am realizing my desire to write articles to help other software engineers advance their careers. With this, I intend to help them improve their knowledge while allowing myself to learn and grow during the process. In my first article, I present to you a compilation of interesting repositories for all software engineers who seek to stay updated and improve their skills whenever possible, regardless of their level or position. Let's get straight to it, organized by ca...

  • Individual efficiency vs administrative efficiency

    source Everyone has their own favorite note-taking app: Notion versus Google Docs versus Apple Notes versus OneNote versus Obsidian. Dropbox Paper shrieking “what about me?” into the void. I wrote this article in source From the individual’s point of view, the optimal company policy is to allow everyone to use whatever app they like. It’s both From the team’s point of view, however, this is a bad policy. I don’t want to learn how pseudo-database-table-thingies work in Notion, but Bear doesn’t ...

  • How I program in 2024

    Jul 31, 2024 How I program in 2024 I talk a lot here about I just spent After mulling it over for a few days, I think my current synthesis on In my case, tests and versions actively hindered getting to the end of this evolution. Tests let me forget concerns. Version control kept me attached to the past. Both were counter-productive. It took a major reorientation to let go of them. All the software I've written in my life — and all my Freewheeling Apps so far — are at level 6 in this trajector...

  • Panic! at the Tech Job Market

    “I have the two qualities you require to see absolute truth: I am brilliant and unloved.” ready for another too-long article about personal failure while blaming the world for our faults? let’s see where we end up with 7,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 words this time this post is sponsored by me trying to not get evicted. funding appreciated: TOC: how are you doing, fellow unemployeds? enjoying riding your bikes midday past the three-piece suits? so, uh, what’s going on? Basically, all the “free money...

  • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

    Linus Torvalds once wrote in a 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getting involved with Linux. That spring, Linus’s second daughter was born. It had been almost a year since his family moved from Finland to California, settling into their new life. Even though Linux hadn’t brought Linus much financial gain yet, he was doing well in both his career and family life. On the other hand, the Linux kernel developer community was growing, and the existing ...

  • Why doesn’t advice work?

    In ancient India, there was a long-running feud between the Duryodhana refused to listen and launched his war. There were 4 million warriors at the start. After 18 days, all but 11 were dead. It’s unclear if Duryodhana knew Krishna was a god. Duryodhana may have been an atheist, despite having seen Krishna in his extremely multi-armed/multi-headed So why didn’t Duryodhana listen? It seems like this happens a lot. Someone has a problem, they ask you for advice, and you give it to them. Your adv...

  • Effective altruism is stumbling. Can "moral ambition" replace it?

    In 1785, a 25-year-old student at Cambridge University named Thomas Clarkson participated in a Latin essay competition about the immorality of slavery. Raised in a sheltered, upper-class environment, Clarkson knew little of the practice at the foundation of the British Empire’s wealth and power. But the more he read about the inhumanity African slaves endured both during and after their passage to the Americas, the more it affected him. Channeling his outrage into his writing, Clarkson ended up ...

  • The manager’s unbearable lack of endorphins

    I’ve been doing a lot of swimming over the past few weeks and I’ve regularly been hitting some new personal milestones over the past year. Each milestone brings with in a huge high, an endorphin rush, a personal satisfaction and, honestly, I walk around for the day feeling like It’s so viscerally satisfying to see myself making progress, sometimes huge leaps in performance, and feeling just so… I think we all need to feel that satisfaction, that competence at a skill, and those moments of leve...

  • AI Doesn’t Kill Jobs? Tell That to Freelancers

    349 Jennifer Kelly, a freelance copywriter in the picturesque New England town of Walpole, N.H., feels bad for any young people who might try to follow in her footsteps. Not long after OpenAI’s ChatGPT made its debut, financial advisers who had depended on her 30 years of experience writing about wealth management stopped calling. New clients failed to replace them. Her income dried up almost completely. When she asked, the clients she lost insisted they weren’t using artificial intelligence. Bu...